Chaîne Youtube de PSSP

Depuis le début de l’année, PSSP dispose d’une chaîne Youtube permettant de visionner l’intégralité des rencontres organisées en partenariat avec la Fondation de France.
Pour consulter les vidéos, rendez-vous à l’adresse suivante :

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The question of restricted grants - Joseph Le Marchand

On Restricted grants in France
By Joseph Le Marchand, founder of the philanthropy advising company
Philanthropy, like tax, is a financial contribution to the public interest. But it is distinguished by two essential characteristics: the fact that it is necessarily voluntary when tax is mandatory, and that it is directed...

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Cathedral of Notre Dame: American donors and French cultural heritage

As we are waking up, with deep emotion, to the destruction of this symbol of our cultural heritage, the Cathedral of Notre-Dame, this Tuesday April 16th 2019 was marked by many giving pledges.
Given the terrible disaster caused by the fire, French public authorities, as well as donors, are taking action. The Ile de France Council has announced...

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Public money, private profits: BNP Paribas and the “School of positive impact”

By Thomas Depecker, Marc-Olivier Déplaude and Nicolas Larchet
Last December, BNP Paribas Bank and the Community of universities and grandes écoles Paris-Sciences-Lettres (PSL) - which includes the University Paris-Dauphine, the École normale supérieure and Mines Paris Tech, among others - announced the creation of a “School of Positive...

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French Goverment seeks to reform inheritance law

In the 01/24/2018 edition of the french newspaper Les échos, an interview with Gabriel Attal, secretary of state in charge of the nonprofit sector, among other things, has been published. Gabriel Attal announced the willingness of the French governement to reform the forced heirship law in order to foster the development of a french kind of...

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French are less generous

In its edition of the 9th of January, Le Monde published an article - and its frontpage headline - on the decrease of the volume of donations in France. It is a consequence of the reform of the tax on wealth (Impôt de Solidarité sur la Fortune) and more broadly of the incertainty of the tax system.
Lire l’article d’Isabelle Rey-Lefevre :...

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