« Tous Unis Contre le Virus » Alliance : A Field Analysis WP#2
« Tous Unis Contre Le Virus » Alliance : A Field Analysis. An original case study of transphilanthropic partnership in emergency context
Nicolas Duvoux ; Rémi Guillem
Philanthropic partnerships in emergency contexts remain an underinvestigated field of research due to the lack of empirical cases brought to discussion. Hence, in this paper we draw on In- ter-Organisational Emergency Management (IOEM) and Strategic Action Field (SAF) litera- tures to shed light on the original “Tous Unis Contre le Virus” initiative, an alliance between three major philanthropic actors during the Covid-19 crisis from March to May 2020 : the Fon- dation de France, the Pasteur Institute and the Fondation AP-HP. By limiting the case study to alliance partners, we intend to understand the alliance-building process from organisations’ and individuals’ point of view. Study shows that asymmetrical positions of actors in the philanthrop- ic field partially explain their functional roles in the alliance. Furthermore, the fact that manag- ers share aligned “cognitive frames”, and the gift transfers between foundations are additional clues in our in-depth comprehensive approach.
Key-words : Philanthropy, Covid-19, emergency management, alliance, organizational theory